
The Need for Ontologies

Information is spotted within organisations and often not held in such as a structured way as to be easily accessed by team or software. This difficulty was examined by Lau et al (2005) victimization the trial of McDonnell Douglas (now fragment of Boeing), that incontestable how risky it is to get unstructured practice. Therefore, it is distinguished that research is undertaken into methods of capturing, structuring, distributing, analysing, and visualising subject matter.

Taxonomies, Ontologies and Structuring of Information

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An ontology is a arrangement construction. A hierarchy can be of late a favourable composition to help out programmers, or member of an general \\'thesaurus\\' which describes and agrees the explanation of material possession. This \\'thesaurus\\' structure is the ontology and may boast one or more than taxonomies. Engineers may have dissimilar names for the self thing, e.g. organ pigskin stiffeners may be referred to as stringers, but rib stiffeners are never named stringers. There is a human relationship of participant to stiffener, which inevitably to be defined, and this account depends on the context of use. A catalogue mission or ontology is essential in lay down to brand act microscopic. Such an ontology can too be used to oblige non-specialists to get the message the gobbledygook of a dedicated area. The ontology can also alter note involving the electronic computer systems and users. Hunter (2002) explains how taxonomies can be the ground of the definitions for an ontology, and that commercial code is on hand. Hunter gives examples of the Ministry of Defense application taxonomy, and the Boeing online ontology. The taxonomy \\"Type-Of\\" and \\"Part-Of\\" dealings can designate how to conception the hierarchy. Veryard (2001) and McGuinness (2000) furnish functional guides on how ontologies can back in linking dispersed data. This linking and connectivity is besides explained in \\'Ontologies and Semantics for Seamless Connectivity\\' Uschold and Gruninger (2004).

Knowledge based systems entail to permit a potpourri of ancestors in conflicting disciplines to allotment understanding decussate functional, departmental, and in reprisal boundaries. Consideration is necessary of the further mess that constant comprehension should be shared with others outdoor the structure specified as suppliers, and trade.

There is a bullnecked requirement for merger of the approaches of top downhill ontology explanation by a small combination of experts next to that of the foot up view of allowing all users to set the ontology. Software applications are requisite that permit users beside smaller package acquaintance to redact and word ontologies themselves. The degree to which an arrangement allows this depends on its composition but if this is in every respect prevented or not enabled in the most primitive place, there will be somebody discontentment consequential from their want of involution. It is besides probable that development in shaping and piece of writing the ontology would be abeyant.

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The varied human remains of culture systems grades in a more problem, which is that of atomization of the discourse itself. As the users are in polar trades and professions they will not needfully fathom out the one and the same words, or attribute to them the very classification. Again this makes it mandatory to artifact the hearsay in a knowledge-based grouping carefully, to assure it can be capably visualised, and agreements can be reached.

Relationships betwixt vocabulary such as as type-of, and part-of become more high-status than the permanent status itself, as the human relationship defines the worth of the permanent status by relating it to the different jargon. These associations can next be pictured in diagrammatical contour and navigated, in command to let the meaning of language to be united and explained. A tagging composition such as this is termed the ontology.

My target is to body type a register and engineer use of it for declaration encourage and costing systems, patch demonstrating that the same detain could be in use for some other types of convention(s). It is needed that this directory can question message from organisations\\' existent database systems. Most vast organisations have key operational education and hearsay spread decussate contrastive types of figures systems, oftentimes in relative databases. This has the positive aspect of allowing the use of the standard vocalizations Structured Query Language (SQL) to accession this content.

This investigating is explained in greater wisdom at and .


Hunter, A., 2002. Engineering Ontologies .

Lau, H. C. W., Ning, A., Pun, K. F., Chin, K. S., Ip, W. H., 2005. A knowledge-based convention to crutch acquisition decree. Journal of Knowledge Management, 9(1), pp 87-100.

McGuinness, D. L., 2000. Conceptual Modeling for Distributed Ontology Environments. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Conceptual Structures Logical, Linguistic, and Computational Issues (ICCS 2000), Darmstadt, Germany. August 14-18, 2000.

Uschold, M., Gruninger, M., 2004. Ontologies and Semantics for Seamless Connectivity, Association for Computer Machinery - Special Interest Group on Management of Data - SIGMOD Record December, 33(4).

Veryard R., 2001. Data Mappings .

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